In the tall grasses white shrouds wrapped the corpses. The winding sheets were stained with expanding drops of blood. There were about ten of them on the median beside the highway. A tiny naked devil hopped around with his little pitchfork, poking them. He discovered one that twitched when he poked it. It curled like an insect trying to get out of a cocoon. He pulled back the lace veil and saw a pale girl’s face, eyes closed.
Monthly Archives: July 2008
Melina in the Garden
A row of carrots had been planted, their round orange tops just sticking out of the dirt, their greenery sprouting out of them almost like hair. Melina dropped the tarot cards and death landed among the carrots. The card was old and bent but the eyes of the skeleton depicted still stared mercilessly. Melina’s hand fell onto the green carrot sprigs, bending them, as her blood spread and soaked into the dirt. The killer went and sat on the hammock, cleaning under his fingernails with his knife-blade as he rocked back and forth. Continue reading
Gold Sheep
Three pandas stood on their hind legs outside the large, ornate door. They avoided eye contact and fidgeted, scratching themselves with their big paws. Then the alarm went off and the red light above the door began flashing. The pandas waited and soon the door opened slowly, allowing a large flock of sheep to come rushing through. The pandas gently pawed the sheep as they passed, watching them closely until a gold-colored one came out and one of the pandas dove for this one, hugging it as it ran. The sheep was powerful and it dragged the panda as it ran but the two other pandas joined in and they successfully separated the gold sheep from the flock and held onto it as it bleated. “Get Marty and the truck,” one of the pandas said and one of the other pandas ran off. Continue reading